
November Product Updates

Joshua Spears

Chief Product Officer, Co-Founder | Passionate about product design and user experience | Confidant in News

Next Thursday, we’ll be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday here in the U.S. and it’s become a tradition to spend part of that day reflecting on the things that we’re thankful for. At Traitify, we’re thankful for our customers who have put their trust in us to provide a great assessment experience for both their Candidates and Hiring Managers and have partnered with us to face the challenges of finding great talent in new and innovative ways.

For all of you celebrating the holiday next week, we hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving and thank you for your continued support and partnership.


Additional Reporting Functionality


Reporting matters! Yes, while the concept of reporting is not “sexy” nor is it considered innovative or exciting, it’s essential to allow us and our Customers to accurately measure the impact of our solutions and provide analysis on an ongoing basis.

Because of this, we are continuously adding and improving our reporting capabilities. Earlier this year we launched a dedicated, robust reporting tool within our SaaS application, which allows all Customers (regardless of if they are using our SaaS application directly) to report on their Traitify data by either creating a one-time report or reports that are sent automatically at the frequency of the Customer’s choosing.

To make this reporting more applicable to our Customers using our API, we’ve recently updated our reporting tool to allow the addition of custom data fields based on the data that is being passed back to Traitify using our API.

This means you can embed our assessment into your solution, have users take an assessment and view results, pass back any information to Traitify, and report on all that information through our reporting tool with no additional work!

This functionality joins a robust set of insights and analytics tools and dashboards in allowing our API Customers access to a powerful Administrator experience.


What’s Next?

Big Five Hiring Manager Report 

Before the end of the year, we plan to release the next version of our Big Five Hiring Manager Report, designed to give Hiring Managers more insight into a Candidate’s personality through focusing on ‘Benefits’ and areas with ‘Room for Growth and Change’ based on their Big Five Dimension scores, as well as higher-level information regarding their ‘Big Five Archetype’. This Report will still contain essential components such as the Candidate’s Fit Score and our custom Interview Questions and will be configurable based on your organization’s needs.

Cognitive Assessment

When Traitify was founded in 2011, it became painfully clear that there had been little innovation in the personality assessment space when it came to user experience. When we decided to create a Traitify Cognitive Assessment earlier this year we aimed not just to create a great user experience, but to create a Cognitive Assessment that avoided the inherent bias that these types of measures typically contain. Traitify’s Cognitive Assessment measures General Mental Ability (“GMA”) which taps into a Candidate’s ability to digest, process, and utilize information to solve problems, all in under five minutes! Our Cognitive Assessment will be available in Q1 of 2020.

If you are a current Client or Partner and would like to learn more about our upcoming Big Five Hiring Manager Report or our Cognitive Assessment, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or drop us a line at We appreciate your feedback and look forward to updating you on more exciting product news in our last post of the decade, next month!



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