
The New Woofound

Scott Tremper

Creative Director at Traitify | Lover of Film, Games, Music, and Wiener Dogs | Inventor/Planner in Work

We're beyond excited to announce that a new version of Woofound has been released!

For the uninitiated, Woofound is our career-driven personality platform that launched several years ago. Since it's original release, Woofound has been adopted as the go-to career guidance tool for many Universities and Workforce Boards around the United States.

While we have had incredible satisfaction with Woofound over the years, we felt it was time to give the platform a bit of a facelift, add features, and ensure it is powered by the latest version of Traitify's Personality API. It's something we're really excited about, so I thought I'd take you all through a few of the changes.


To start, the whole platform has received a massive visual overhaul. We created a fresh new video to go with our tidied up landing page for each Woofound portal, and it turned out pretty fantastic.

From this entry point onward, every section received a kickstart, with bold new colors, and elements that are easier to digest and understand. Our assessments itself now has larger, higher quality images, and features a much improved engine behind-the-scenes, allowing for a faster user experience.




Beautiful Results

A user's results are now gorgeous, mobile friendly, and extremely easy to comprehend. It's the same high quality personality details Woofound has provided, but with a much needed layer of polish. Of course you can still retake the assessment, print, email, and share your results, and all of those options are now conveniently located within one single row, located at the top of your page.

Careers have also been over hauled, with personalized matches now presented in one unified view, with quick filters accessible at all times. Each career has more info immediately seen, and the expanded details of each is neatly organized, with new bells and whistles. Possibly my favorite update to the entire system is found here, where you can see via a simple graph, showing exactly how your personality lines up with the ideal personality for a career.




For administrators of Woofound, you'll find a wonderful new admin portal as well.




Updated Admin Dashboard

Kicking off with a revamped dashboard and navigation, viewing data and customizing your experience is easier than ever. You can now quickly edit majors, clubs, and employers connected to your careers directly from your dashboard, as well as view all the extended and custom details about your users. We've even created a new series of training videos, broken down by section to make learning fast and easy.

We're really proud of this new version of Woofound, and hope everyone digs it. Of course, nothing is ever "perfect" in our minds, so we'll be continuing to support the product, and roll out some additional updated and new features in the future.

For now, you can check out more about Woofound, and as always learn how Traitify's API can help you bring personality to your platform.


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