
We Love Free Stuff

Scott Tremper

Creative Director at Traitify | Lover of Film, Games, Music, and Wiener Dogs | Inventor/Planner in News

What better way to say thank you to our community than with swag bags?

The coming weeks will bring plenty of exciting news and reveals from Traitify, so I thought I would take a brief moment in the "calm before the storm" to address how great our Traitify family is.

We're a close-knit team, and feel that vibe extended into the audience we have within our reach. I won't even attempt to say that we have a massive following — our numbers fall into the thousands across social media — but what our community lacks in size, we make up for in quality. It's truly hard to describe how much of a thrill it is for us to see the numerous retweets and favorites of content we post or news we announce, and the incredible amount of times people have shared their personality results from one of our assessments.

When we started engaging in social media, it seemed like another checkmark on a list of things we had to do as a startup. Now, several years deep, we've seen the wealth of wonderful people that have befriended us, as well as the positive business ramifications. I would have never expected to see a single potential partner arise from Twitter or Facebook, yet we regularly engage with those interested in our API, or bringing a potential opportunity for us to showcase at an event.


Pop open a cold one with these bad boys and we might send more goodies your way!

It's because of this wonderful community that we regularly give out free stuff! I know it's a small way to say thank you for everything, but it seems like you've all been enjoying it. During the Daredevil and Avengers assessments we even gave out some of our favorite comic books!

If you want a chance to get some swag, or just to keep up with us in general, follow us on Twitter at @traitify, or like our Facebook page.

Once again, huge thanks to our community. And if you've stumbled across this and have no idea what the heck I'm talking about, head over to traitify.com for more details.

Until next time, have an awesome Memorial Day weekend!


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