Traitify + Beeline - 2021 State of Contingent Workforce - Part One: Meet Our Experts

2021 State of Contingent Workforce: Meet Our Experts [Video]

Heather Myers, Ph.D.

Chief Psychology Officer | Fueled by people, data, and design | Mentor in Work

Introducing our five-part video series with Heather Myers, Ph.D., (Traitify) and Brian Hoffmeyer (Beeline) on the state of the contingent workforce in 2021. Meet our experts as they talk about tacos and Brian’s background in the field.



Continue to the 2nd part of the series, defining the contingent workforce, here.

The full series is also on YouTube here.



HEATHER: Hi everyone, I'm so excited to be here today. I'm Heather Myers, the Chief Psychology Officer from Traitify, and I have with me today Brian Hoffmeyer from Beeline. Brian, would you like to introduce yourself?

BRIAN: Sure Heather, thanks for having me today. So hi everyone, Brian Hoffmeyer. I work for Beeline. Beeline is an extended workforce platform designed to manage the end-to-end process for finding, engaging, paying, and reporting on all types of non-employee or contract labor. You can think of us as a mash-up, if you will, of HR software, procurement software, and applicant tracking software. We fulfill all of those kinds of things, and we help our clients manage this business-critical part of their workforce. The non-employee workforce set at large companies can comprise up to 20-25% of the total workforce and is absolutely critical to our clients, in terms of getting their product out the door, no matter what that product does. So Beeline helps them do a number of things: get higher quality, achieve cost-savings, achieve compliance, any number of exciting benefits. I have the privilege of managing Beeline’s partner ecosystem, which includes partners like Traitify, that help our clients achieve more with this contingent workforce.

HEATHER: Excellent, thank you so much, and it's been such a fun partnership for us as well to kind of venture into the contingent workspace a little bit more. But first things first, now I've heard rumor that you're one heck of a cook here. So I have to know what kinds of things do you like to make? What are your favorite things?

BRIAN: Well, thank you for that compliment, I try. I do love to cook and love to host people for dinner. In life in general I guess I'm a pretty varied guy, I like a lot of different things and that’s certainly true of cooking. My cooking tends to be pretty seasonal, but one big area of passion has been tacos recently. About a year ago now, I started what I call my “taco project” where I'm making a different taco every Taco Tuesday for a year, and so I am now 49 weeks into that, have three weeks to go. And I’ve stuck to my guns, and I've made — so far — 49 unique tacos over that time with no real repeats. And what I’ve discovered is: tacos are incredibly varied. You can put a lot of things in a tortilla and call it a taco. So I’ve had a lot of fun with that, though I will say that my wife is looking forward to not being absolutely tied to having tacos every single Tuesday.

HEATHER: Yes, I’m sure. Although, I have seen some of your tacos on social media, and have tried one or two, and they are pretty tasty.

BRIAN: Thank you.

HEATHER: So we appreciate the good work, and it's been fun. So what made you get into the kind of space of the contingent workforce — sort of switching gears. What’s your background and what ended you—what landed you here?

BRIAN: Yeah, I’ve worked for Beeline for over 16 years now, which is kind of ironic that in our industry people tend to stick around for a really long time, in an industry that’s helping manage work that is very temporary in nature.


BRIAN: But it’s sort of one of those things that happens. I've been privileged to have just a really long career with Beeline doing a number of different things. Before I was here I did have a background in software and product management and that’s how I started at Beeline was within product management, and then over the last 16 years I kind of lost count of the number of actual jobs that I’ve had. But they've all been really focused on helping our clients and our partners get the most out of our software, and ultimately meet their goals regarding contingent workforce. And I think that’s what’s kept me energized, is it’s just there’s so much work to do, and there’s so many challenges regarding this critical part of the workforce. One other thing, we’ve got 300-some odd clients—325 clients, and one of the things that I—you know—sort of a saying that people have heard me use it a lot of times and my team probably gets sick of me saying, is that the only things that’s the same about our clients is that they're all unique. And you know, they all have their unique needs, they come from different verticals, they have different goals they’re trying to achieve, different corporate cultures that they have, and all that plays into how they use contingent workforce and what their strategic and tactical goals are. So that makes sticking around pretty exciting.

HEATHER: And I think that's a really good point that it really is true that every business thinks they're unique, but in this case, they really are unique, and it's all about what their goals are, what their needs are.


Heather Myers, Ph.D. -, Heather Myers, Ph.D.
Brian Hoffmeyer -, Brian Hoffmeyer, homechefhoff

To learn how Traitify can help you attract, select, and engage contingent workers, connect with us!


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