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Personalization and Impact: Two Keys for Recruiting Millennials

An overwhelming majority of millennials aren't terribly interested in their existing jobs, according to new research. In fact, 71 % of employees born between 1980 and 1996 recently said that they are either not engaged or actively disengaged at work. … read more

by on in Work


Our Favorite Blog Posts of 2016

As the demands of modern businesses get more sophisticated, the needs of employers to find the right workers is gaining urgency. Yet when it comes to recruiting, the very definition of "right" is changing. No longer is it enough merely to find employees with the right mix of professional skills and experiences. Today's best-run organizations are populated by professionals who work well in teams, surmount challenges, and communicate effectively with colleagues and customers. … read more

by on in Work


The Personality Traits Required for Collaborative Leadership

Companies across the country and around the globe are moving in increasing numbers to a more collaborative style of operations, eschewing long-standing departmental silos and assembling interdisciplinary teams to complete assignments. The benefits, they've discovered, are too great to ignore, including increased innovation and agility, improved employee engagement and retention, and greater profitability. … read more

by on in Work


Disrupting the Personality Testing Industry in Two Key Ways

Several factors can impede a great hire. A candidate's credentials may look perfect on paper, for instance, then fail to translate in the office environment. Or a candidate who charms an interviewer may exhibit undetected negative traits when faced with challenging situations in the workplace. … read more

by on in Work

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