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Blending Key Personality Types To Make Better Teams

Teams at work are made up of people. That sounds obvious, but think about it: it means that when building a team, you can't just pick people for their technical skills, as if you're choosing otherwise interchangeable Legos from a bin. People have personalities and varying "soft skills" that affect the way they work and the way they work with each other, and keeping these personalities balanced on a team is a good way to ensure harmony. … read more

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Six Personality Types Every Team Should Have and Why

High-performing teams are made up of a well-rounded set of personalities. In the same way that a football team - or a good one, that is - can't be comprised of all quarterbacks, you'll need a good mix of people with different skill sets and different ways of approaching a problem to achieve your best outcomes. … read more

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Bringing Personality Into Team Building

Imagine a baseball team made up of only pitchers. They could all have Cy Young awards, but your team isn't going to get many hits - and won't win many games. Instead, a team needs to have a mix of talent. You need a good pitcher, but also good batters and fielders. … read more

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Can Personality Drive Career Success?

Can your personality really affect your career success? Absolutely. Decades of research have found that some personality traits are correlated with higher salaries, more frequent promotions, and other measures of success. … read more

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Using Personality to Hire Smarter

Once seen as a relic akin to punch-card computer matchmaking, up to three-fifths of workers are now asked to take workplace assessments, according to the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM). … read more

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