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Keeping up with Changing Times: Be Ready for a Career Switch

Now more than ever before, workers are changing employers and careers more frequently. Our grandparents may have stayed with the same company their entire careers, but this is no longer the case. Expectations have shifted with the emergence of new technology and with new generations entering the workforce. … read more

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Businesswoman holding binoculars looking ahead

Personality and Forward-Thinking: Beyond Now

The events of the last few months have created a world filled with uncertainty for all of us. Many are working from home. For some, this now means trying to focus in a crowded house while caring for children. Others are working more hours, performing essential functions, adopting new daily routines, and trying to stay safe. … read more

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Want to Get More out of Your Diversity Strategy? Bring Personality Data into the Discussion

We hear a lot these days about diversity and inclusion. Employers across industries have long since begun to address this important topic as part of their talent acquisition efforts. It’s now commonplace to find language embracing diversity on company websites. You’ll also see plenty of references to focused initiatives that companies have implemented in an effort to become more diverse. … read more

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More Than Meets the Eye: The Evolution of Personality Testing

If you’ve taken a personality test before, you know it can be a tedious and frustrating process. The prospect of answering countless and repetitive questions leaves people disengaged – yet these tests continue to be taken by millions every year. … read more

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What the Job Demands: Personality Traits for a Given Job Type

In the current job market, where there are many openings and where people are rarely staying at one company for their entire careers, employers and employees are looking to find a position that is rewarding on both an intellectual level and an emotional level. … read more

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