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Find out what you can do to better engage with current employees and talent to keep them from joining the quitting trend

Product Insights: Engage & Retain

As the U.S. economy continues rebounding, job openings abound while layoffs have dropped dramatically. As an example, the food services sector laid off 188,000 workers in April versus 1.9 million in 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. … read more

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Traitify & SmartRecruiters inline integration with results filtering and prioritization

May Product Updates 2021

The Traitify team has been busy working alongside our partner, SmartRecruiters, and we’re proud to announce the latest integration update. … read more

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April Product Updates 2021

The Traitify team has been busy working with Clients and Partners to prepare for the rapid reopening of the world and the upcoming wave of hiring that will take place. … read more

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Traitify Big Five assessment optimized for any device like a mobile smartphone

Product Insights: Accessible Assessments

For software companies of all shapes, sizes, and missions, accessibility has long been a "checkbox" on a long list of requirements; necessary, but more often than not, forgotten. WCAG audits are conducted to ensure that software is compliant and defensible. What would happen if we began to look at accessibility as a feature—an aspect of our products that enhances our experiences and delights our users? … read more

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