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Is Your Love Lost in Translation?

As Valentine’s Day approaches, we are surrounded by images of hearts, flowers, candy, cupids, diamonds and the emphasis on communicating our love. It can be big business with a twist of high expectation. For some, Valentine’s Day is associated with romance and excitement, but for others, it can be depressing and dreaded. Why the polar responses? Because love is a deeply fundamental need and feeling — one that puts us over the moon when we feel it and can keep us hiding under the covers in sadness when we don’t. Let’s look at what can get in the way… … read more

by on in Love


Common Dream Themes and Nightmares

How often have you said, "I had that nightmare where I couldn't find the classroom and didn't study for the exam?" Or how about the one where you are convinced you didn't actually finish High School? And, people know exactly what you are talking about? While dreams are unique and complex, there are some classic themes that universally appear. In working with dreams, it is both the manifest (actual) content of the dream as well as what is going on in someone's day and life that helps one analyze its meaning. Also, there is always a wish in each dream, either obvious or hidden, just waiting to be realized. … read more

by on in Psychology


Personality and Dogs: Finding Your Perfect Canine Companion

These days, no one would question the importance of finding a partner whose personality is compatible with yours. In fact, it's really a must for the sustainability of the relationship. In the world of psychology, and now in the world at large, self-awareness and identifying one's lifestyle choices and preferences drives a type of personalization that wasn't quite as acceptable in the past. No longer do we live in a "one size fits all" world. There is not just one right way to live a life — but we can build a life based on what works best, just by understanding our own unique personalities. … read more

by on in Play

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