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Hiring with personality is a rocket to old-fashioned hot air balloons

Assessment 101: Why Hire With Personality?

The process of selecting a new hire has for many years followed the same playbook. An applicant provides demographic information up front, submits a resume or work history, and reports credentials. An interview confirms qualifications and provides a “first impressions” view. The focus is on the past, with particular emphasis on job skills. … read more

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Working with contingent hires on video conference

5 Best Practices for Working with Contingent Talent

Career got a new look? Recent years have brought a rise of the term “gig economy.” Along with that discussion, we’ve seen increasing numbers of workers reimagining the career arc. Recent estimates indicate that 43% of American workers partake in freelance work arrangements to provide some or all of their income. Moreover, the concept is evaluated with interest even among those who don’t practice it, with 9 out of 10 US workers reporting that they would consider taking on freelance work. … read more

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Climbing steps from darkness to light

3 Positive Steps to Take for Furloughed Workers

Experiencing job loss, even if temporary, can serve as a major life stressor. Weekly unemployment figures in the US have remained well above the previous historic highs since March. Those contending with the reality of a lost position are vast in number. That suggests millions of Americans are faced with uncertain income, loss of daily routines, economic vulnerability, and plenty of stress. … read more

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Two gears fit together with a dawn background, representing building a team with the best fit from the start

How to Build Your Best Fit Team from the Start

When your needs change as an employer, your focus shouldn’t become simply filling roles as quickly as possible. Instead, you want to minimize time-to-hire while still bringing in team members who are ready to make a meaningful commitment to your organization. With budgets tightening amid the challenges of 2020 and beyond, the “revolving door” of personnel is more of a liability than ever. There’s not as much room for error as there was even a year ago. … read more

by on in Work

Stressed woman working by medical mask and hand disinfectant

Why You Need to Prioritize Vacation Time This Summer

Taken together, current circumstances can be a toxic brew: worldwide disruption, loss of revenue, job losses, displacement of youth from school, social media-fueled communication, and then high-impact social movements cresting amidst all this. Of course, the potential for a psychological toll is high. It’s been a lot to contend with, regardless of one’s personality. … read more

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