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Use Your Personality to Get Hired

Finding a job can be tough. It's stressful, time consuming, and requires an incredible amount of patience. Did they receive your resume? Is it too soon to call? Couple this with Glassdoor's statistic that the average corporate job receives 250 applicants, of which only four or five make it to an interview, and it can seem like a miracle just to get face-to-face with a potential employer. … read more

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Rewarding Work In The Right Way

Employee retention is a complicated matter. There are many factors that contribute to the departure of a fantastic employee; we've discussed quite a few of them, such as conflict and company culture. The latter focused on hiring for fit to begin with while the former regarded keeping employees happy by preventing internal combustion. … read more

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Encouraging Collaboration Between Different Personality Types

In a recent blog post, I shared the reasons it's important to understand how different personality types might collide in the workplace and ways to mitigate this from happening. Using that idea as a stepping stone, I wanted to dive into how you can supplement those techniques and actually begin encouraging different personality types to successfully collaborate. … read more

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Understanding and Avoiding Conflict using Personality Data

Not everyone gets along. It's something we all quickly learn in life, that even the friendliest people will eventually find someone with whom they butt heads. Thankfully, for the most part, we can identify these issues (or people) and steer clear from them in our own lives. … read more

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Why You Should Start Hiring Introverts

When considering aspects of personality to make hiring decisions and build better teams, we've covered why personality matters in the workplace, how to view personality in team building, and even how "cultural fit" can reduce long term turnover. These all discuss crucial elements of personality as it relates to teams, such as how well team members blend together, balance leadership, and overall have key points of their personality that match their career, keeping them happy and interested in their job. … read more

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