
Collaborative Ways to Increase Workplace Productivity

Macy Volpe

Director of Customer Success | All about the customer and the details | Campaigner in Work

"Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort." – Paul J. Meyer

Collaboration. Does this simple word make you excited, or rather instill the same negative emotions that the term "group work" did while you were in school? You either loved working with other students on a project, or you hated it and ended up doing everything yourself. While the same can be said for collaboration in the workplace, it is time to realize how much it can actually increase the productivity of the entire company.

At Traitify we need collaboration; it's a huge part of what our company is built on. Each person succeeds in their own way – and we let that person take the reigns on their portion of a project, which in turn boosts productivity. We get more projects done, we have room for more creativity, and we sing each other's praises when we succeed. Collaboration works best when there is a variation of personality, a diverse skillset and a plan of action. Productivity may sound easier said than done, but with these four ideas to encouraging collaboration, the productivity of your office is guaranteed to increase.

1. Create And Evaluate Goals.
Goals provide a "long-term vision and short-term motivation," which is used as a reference point for each goal. When setting goals, focus on the how, why, and when. How will the goal be achieved? What will be achieved from setting this goal? Will it be less stressful breaking this goal up into smaller parts? Is it attainable within a realistic amount of time?

Goal setting and achieving those goals is a huge motivator and a driving force behind productivity. Think about how we accomplish certain tasks: is there something your employees get hung up on and could use assistance? When setting goals with employees, decide a plan of action on how they will collaborate with others to achieve their own goals. Be specific in your needs and hold each person accountable to successfully achieve each goal.

2. Communicate.
Communication is the most important tool within each company. Good communication can directly increase morale, productivity, and engagement. Each company will need to set a standard of communication based on its needs, whether that is an instant messaging tool, email or, dare I say it, picking up the phone and making a call. When employees are aware of how to get in touch with one another, the door is open for communication at all times.

Transparency is also an important method of communication. Being open and honest will lead to increased productivity because all of the information has already been shared. When the entire team is well-informed, there is less room for error, and current employees feel as if they are a part of the big picture.

3. Provide Meaningful Feedback.
Feedback does not need to be limited to performance evaluations. In fact, it shouldn't be. Going back to being transparent and having a revolving door of open communication, employers should be giving feedback regularly, practically as soon as it comes to mind.

To ensure your feedback is helpful, consider these five tips:

  • Always give examples on how changes can be made
  • Make sure the feedback is actionable
  • Offer your support and the support of others
  • Focus on the employee's strengths
  • Ask if they have any feedback for you

4 . Encourage Engagement.
Engagement is essential to a successful work environment. When everyone feels like they are a necessary part of the team, they will be more open to building relationships with others. Employees should inspire each other, discuss ideas, and encourage one another to achieve success. Not only does engagement boost morale and the overall office environment, but it also reduces turnover and ensures growth. If you want to succeed as a whole, make sure your employees feel directly connected to not only the company, but to their coworkers and management as well. When engagement increases, so will morale and growth, while turnover decreases. The goal for everyone in the workforce is the same: success of the company as a whole.

Defining successful methods of collaboration and productivity will vary for each company and should not stop with these four categories. Let these steps guide you in the direction of a successful team and increasing productivity.

Collaboration is easier when people's personalities mesh well. Request a demo of our visual personality assessment to learn how we can help you find employees who fit.


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