Introducing Traitify Engage - May Product Updates 2020

May Product Updates 2020 - Introducing Traitify Engage

Joshua Spears

Chief Product Officer, Co-Founder | Passionate about product design and user experience | Confidant in News

In this month’s product updates, I’m proud to announce Traitify Engage, as well as highlighting our inline integration with SmartRecruiters and partnership on Hourly by AMS.

In January, as the Traitify leadership team discussed our plans for the year ahead -- unaware of the impending pandemic and its impact -- we outlined our product roadmap for 2020. This included a product that would be designed to engage and develop hourly workers while providing managers insight into how to best lead their team, based on understanding what makes each team member unique. As the world has changed in the last few months, it has become increasingly evident to everyone just how essential hourly workers are, reinforcing our belief that a tool to engage and develop these employees is not only helpful, it’s necessary.

In this month’s blog post, I want to introduce Traitify Engage, a solution that provides personalized, self-directed development content to hourly employees, building engagement and helping businesses retain these essential workers.


Traitify Engage

Like all Traitify products, Traitify Engage started with a very simple premise: deliver the most value in the least amount of time. Much like our assessments and our reports, we understood that any product designed for the hourly workforce needed to be accessible, digestible, and actionable -- without requiring more than 90 seconds of time. Traitify Engage builds off the Big Five assessment to provide an immediate report and ongoing communication to your hourly workforce. It assists them in developing their skills through best understanding themselves, while keeping them engaged and fulfilled in their role.

One of the primary reasons Traitify has built so many of our products and services on the Big Five framework is the wide applicability of the results and data. While we primarily use our Big Five assessment today for selection of candidates, we always knew we would be able to leverage this data to deliver continuous value to employees and managers.

Traitify Engage is informed by an employee taking the Big Five assessment (either as part of application process pre-hire or upon starting in the role). This Big Five data is used to generate a robust report that can be shared with the employee immediately and provides quick, actionable insights into their unique personality.

Personality Overview

The report begins with an overview of their Big Five Archetype, an identifier assigned based on scores across the five dimensions of the Big Five (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Emotional Stability). Each of the 32 possible Big Five Archetypes provides a brief description along with a short video (45-60 seconds). This gives the employee the chance to quickly understand what makes them special, along with key takeaways they can leverage in their role.

Traitify Engage Personality Overview

Success Skills

Following the Archetype, we present Success Skills. Five dynamic topics that each offer five personalized pieces of information based on the employee’s personality. These topics include “Dealing with Stress,” “Communication Tips,” “Teamwork,” “Self Motivation,” and “Everyday Adjustments.” Each topic communicates actionable insight to the Employee on how to improve in their role, and in life. Additional topics will be added over time, with the employee being encouraged to view the report on an ongoing basis to continually grow from a greater understanding and knowledge of their personality.

Traitify Engage Success Skills

Personality Tips

While Success Skills focus on specific topics, our Tools To Use, Room for Growth and Change, and Settings That Work For You content delivers the employee a higher-level view on how their personality impacts their role.

Traitify Engaged Personality Tips

Tools to Use covers various ways an employee can tactfully use knowledge of their personality to perform more effectively in their role. Room for Growth and Change describes opportunities that may exist for the employee to improve. Settings That Work For You describes environments that are ideal for the employee based on their personality.

Personality Details

The last section of the Traitify Engage Report, breaks down the employee’s levels on each of the five Big Five dimensions (High, Medium, or Low). For each dimension, a brief description is included detailing how that level manifests for the employee, along with benefits and areas with room for growth and change.

Traitify Engage Personality Details

Ongoing Personalized Communication

Finally, the employee receives a series of six emails that provide additional personalized content for each of the five Success Skills topics. Over time, we’ll continue to add to this library of content and will provide our clients with the ability to customize which pieces of content are delivered to their team.

We also have plans to create a manager version of the Traitify Engage product with the goal of giving managers insight into each employee they manage, including content on how to motivate, communicate, and solve problems with that team member. We expect that version of Traitify Engage to be available in the coming months.

Currently, Traitify Engage is available via our SaaS application with the goal of working with clients to integrate into additional platforms as needed.

For those looking to try Traitify Engage, it’s available today and our team would be happy to set up a call with you to review. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager to schedule a demo or drop us a note at


SmartRecruiters Inline Assessment Integration

For organizations utilizing SmartRecruiters as their applicant tracking system, we’re pleased to announce that we now support inline assessment integration. This means that the Traitify assessment experience can now exist within the primary application process prior to the application being submitted. We will still support our existing email/SMS integration for SmartRecruiters and will be continuing to work with the SmartRecruiters team to explore enhancements to both integrations.


Hourly by AMS

The team at Alexander Mann Solutions (AMS) shares many traits with the Traitify team, including an obsession with creating simple yet powerful experiences for candidates and hiring managers. With their new conversational hiring experience platform, Hourly, AMS is utilizing Traitify to personalize the experience. This includes determining which candidates are a best fit for a position, providing candidates with customized interview tips, and offering hiring managers interview questions specific to the candidate’s personality. Learn more about this exciting product and partnership in my previous blog post.


What’s Next?

For those using our Big Five assessment for candidate selection, we’re currently building a new version of our Big Five Hiring Manager Report which will feature a new, visual way to see how candidates compare to Traitify’s Ideal Candidate Profile and allow for quick review of the candidate’s fit for any role (not only the one applied for).

If you’re interested in previewing this report and providing some feedback, please reach out to your Traitify Customer Success Manager or send us an email at



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