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The Personality Traits Required for Collaborative Leadership

Companies across the country and around the globe are moving in increasing numbers to a more collaborative style of operations, eschewing long-standing departmental silos and assembling interdisciplinary teams to complete assignments. The benefits, they've discovered, are too great to ignore, including increased innovation and agility, improved employee engagement and retention, and greater profitability. … read more

by on in Work


Four Ways to Reduce Mismatched Hires in Your Organization

Do you have a team that looks like they're working hard, but is known for missing deadlines or misunderstanding their duties? The problem may lie in the hiring of employees who look to be a great match but lack the necessary skills and personality for the job description. With turnover at an all-time high, now is the chance to realize that the revolving door of new hires does not need to continue. With mismatched skill totaling over 38% of bad hiring circumstances, there is room for improvement to benefit both the employer and company as a whole. … read more

by on in Work


How to Tailor Employee Reviews by Personality Type

A staple of working life, the employee performance review, is something many managers approach with a sense of foreboding. Delivering critical input, for example, can make some supervisors downright uncomfortable. This is to say nothing of how time consuming they are to prepare and deliver. … read more

by on in Work


What We Are Thankful For: Happy Thanksgiving From Traitify

As the holidays get closer, we are overwhelmed with thanks from all of the great events that occurred over this last year. Traitify is becoming a "household" name for many companies around the world and we have the honor of working with some very innovative people. Whether our personality assessments are helping a college student find their perfect career major or a Veteran find a great job before retirement, we love what we do. Thank you to all of our friends, family and clients as we celebrate another year! … read more

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Staying Energized (and Focused) During the Holiday Season

As I looked at my calendar, realizing I was on the books for this week's blog post, two realizations came to my mind. The first was, "Whoa - Thanksgiving is next week?", which was quickly followed by the second: I really don't feel like writing this week. … read more

by on in Work

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