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Is Your Love Lost in Translation?

As Valentine’s Day approaches, we are surrounded by images of hearts, flowers, candy, cupids, diamonds and the emphasis on communicating our love. It can be big business with a twist of high expectation. For some, Valentine’s Day is associated with romance and excitement, but for others, it can be depressing and dreaded. Why the polar responses? Because love is a deeply fundamental need and feeling — one that puts us over the moon when we feel it and can keep us hiding under the covers in sadness when we don’t. Let’s look at what can get in the way… … read more

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Why Personality Matters in the Workplace

We've recently written a few different posts concerning a variety of personality elements within the workplace, from discussing how your personality can affect teamwork, and even how empathy is a key factor to successful leadership. Now, as we lead up to the impending release of our latest product, Traitify, I thought it might make sense to take a broader look at why exactly personality makes a difference in the workplace. … read more

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Hey There, Sports Fan!: Thinking About Your Sports Personality

There are a few days each year that are sacred to Americans. Independence Day is important, and folks love to get together for Memorial Day and Labor Day barbecues. But for some, there is a day that trumps them all: Super Bowl Sunday. With this widely-celebrated (especially for Panthers and Broncos fans) just around the corner, it's a great time to stop and think about what aspects of personality are found in devout sports fans. … read more

by on in Play


5 Reasons To Encourage Teamwork In The Workplace

Some people say that teamwork in the workplace is vital…I am one of “those people”. It is very rare that a story of business success would be because of one single person. A group of people working together to work towards a goal is more like it — teamwork is a necessity. What kind of phone would we have if Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak didn’t work together to create Apple? Please don’t tell me I would have to go back to giving out my BBM number. … read more

by on in Work


Dieting: Caring for Yourself Without Criticizing Yourself

When I was a kid, I was the skinniest string bean in my class. My friends used to jokingly tell me that I needed to "go home and eat a gallon of ice cream" in order to fatten myself up. This was all well and good…until my metabolism caught up with me. All of a sudden, I wasn't the skinny little girl that I once was, and I didn't know how to handle it. It was time for the dreaded D-word: Diet. … read more

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