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Why We Like (or Dislike) to be Scared

The Halloween season is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the decorations, the costumes, and the fact that you can wander around your neighborhood and get bags of free candy. But more than that, I love the scares that Halloween brings. Whether it’s sitting on the edge of your seat watching a horror flick, or holding a loved one close as your round the corner of a pitch black maze in the middle of a corn field, that sense of fear and terror has always gotten my heart racing. … read more

by on in Play


Common Dream Themes and Nightmares

How often have you said, "I had that nightmare where I couldn't find the classroom and didn't study for the exam?" Or how about the one where you are convinced you didn't actually finish High School? And, people know exactly what you are talking about? While dreams are unique and complex, there are some classic themes that universally appear. In working with dreams, it is both the manifest (actual) content of the dream as well as what is going on in someone's day and life that helps one analyze its meaning. Also, there is always a wish in each dream, either obvious or hidden, just waiting to be realized. … read more

by on in Psychology


Music: Personality or Preference?

As I get older, my need for music seems to change slightly over time. Why is this? A few days ago I was chatting with some friends about going to an upcoming concert, yet I didn't have the urge to buy the tickets right away like I would have three years ago. I didn't feel the need to check every source of social media for event details, meet and greet times, or even look for contests to win free merchandise. Even that fact that I just spelled out "merchandise" instead of just saying "merch" shows how much this once favorite pastime of mine is falling by the wayside. … read more

by on in Play


The Imposter Phenomenon: Struggling with Success

As I do every summer, I went on vacation with my family. We spent time relaxing, laughing, eating (a lot of eating!) and talking. One thing we always seem to discuss on vacation is careers. … read more

by on in Work

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