Traitify Blog

Traitify Blog

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Traitify Talks: Forward 2 + DevWeek

Coming off our 2015 conference kick-off at App Nation / CES, we've kept the train rolling by rebounding straight into a couple of events held in San Francisco. … read more

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Traitify Psychology: How We Do It

It happens every time. After getting perceptive and accurate results from a Traitify assessment, people turn to us and ask, "How did you do that?" Followed by, "What are the results based on?"As we hear the curiosity about our personalization technology, we are led to nostalgically think back to our roots. So how did we get here? … read more

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The Big Dance

It has been a surreal experience watching our company grow, since it's inception nearly 4 years ago. When I joined in the early days, Traitify (or Woofound as we were known at that time), was a startup in it's most pure form. We were a small group of like-minded individuals led by our passionate founders. … read more

by on in Work

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