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4 Ways to Attract and Hire Millennials

If you are a member of Generation X and looking to hire new talent, don't let the term "millennial" scare you. I'm not just saying that because I am a member of this generation myself, but because we can benefit your company in ways that others cannot. We thrive on being creative, talking with others, and working towards something. It's been noted that we all want recognition in return for our work (whether or not we deserve it) but that's largely due to the fact that we like to find a cause and see a change. … read more

by on in Work

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Making Employee Onboarding Personal

Starting a new job can be incredibly stressful and nerve-racking. Like the first day of school when we were younger, a brand-new workplace presents a mixed bag of excitement and anxiety for many people. … read more

by on in Work


How to Manage and Develop Ambitious Employees

Every company has a few ambitious employees – those high-achievers and independent workers who make it clear they want to move up. In fact, most employers wish they had more. And as long as we're talking about healthy ambition (as opposed to the unhealthy kind that leads some employees to manipulate managers or backstab their coworkers to get ahead), you should generally want as many such employees as you can get. … read more

by on in Work


How to Get The Most Out of Vacation Time

On the flight back from a recent trip to the Bahamas, feeling refreshed and reenergized, I found myself thinking about how both employers and employees can maximize the benefits of vacation. … read more

by on in Work

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