Traitify Blog

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Why Personality Matters in the Workplace

We've recently written a few different posts concerning a variety of personality elements within the workplace, from discussing how your personality can affect teamwork, and even how empathy is a key factor to successful leadership. Now, as we lead up to the impending release of our latest product, Traitify, I thought it might make sense to take a broader look at why exactly personality makes a difference in the workplace. … read more

by on in Work


5 Reasons To Encourage Teamwork In The Workplace

Some people say that teamwork in the workplace is vital…I am one of “those people”. It is very rare that a story of business success would be because of one single person. A group of people working together to work towards a goal is more like it — teamwork is a necessity. What kind of phone would we have if Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak didn’t work together to create Apple? Please don’t tell me I would have to go back to giving out my BBM number. … read more

by on in Work


Bringing Empathy Into the Workplace

Do you find yourself talking to someone no matter where you are? Maybe the person sitting next to you on the bus, or the person behind you in line at the grocery store? This is a sign of curiosity and curiosity leads to the level of empathy a person has. Most people fall into a category of either sympathetic or empathetic. Companies are encouraging employees to be more empathetic for several reasons. … read more

by on in Work


The Imposter Phenomenon: Struggling with Success

As I do every summer, I went on vacation with my family. We spent time relaxing, laughing, eating (a lot of eating!) and talking. One thing we always seem to discuss on vacation is careers. … read more

by on in Work


The New Woofound

We're beyond excited to announce that a new version of Woofound has been released! … read more

by on in Work

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