The Importance of Candidate Experience

The Importance of Candidate Experience [Video]

Heather Myers, Ph.D.

Chief Psychology Officer | Fueled by people, data, and design | Mentor in Work

Traitify's Chief Psychology Officer, Heather Myers, PhD, discusses how vital the candidate experience still is for organizations right now.




Hi, my name is Heather Myers and I'm the Chief Psychology Officer here at Traitify.

I wanted to talk to you today about the importance of candidate experience, and how it still will be so important for candidates to have a positive experience as we ramp up hiring after this COVID crisis.

Candidate Experience is so important, because it can have a major impact on the brands of our organization. Candidates who have a positive experience are more likely to continue to endorse your brand and to reapply for jobs that come up later. If they have a bad experience, they're more likely to post negative things about your brand, not recommend it to their friends or family.

And this can have an impact on your business, particularly as we're going to have more candidates applying for each position. In addition, candidates who have a positive experience are more likely to accept your offer and have a smooth onboarding. Again, this is going to be so vital as we want to hire qualified people and get them up to speed as soon as possible.

So what is it then that candidates want in a positive experience? They want the application process to be meaningful and interesting, they want it to be relatively quick and easy, and they want to be given feedback.

So how can we do this? We can give them a positive experience by making the application process as seamless as possible, by not making them go to lots of different places to answer questions, to upload their resume to complete any assessments. For example, at Traitify we have an API that allows us to plug into your ATS, and so it can make the assessment just a smooth part of the application process.

In addition, if they’ve taken an assessment, you can use that to provide them with personalized feedback throughout the process. You can send them personalized emails along the way, for example, with interview tips that are relevant to them or questions that they might want to ask during the process.

These kinds of things can really help them feel engaged and feel like you care about them as a candidate. So that even if they don't get the job, they still have a positive experience and they're still likely to endorse your brand and come back again later. And this is, again, going to be so important as we see the number of applicants per role increasing.

Thank you so much for listening, and I hope you have a great day.

Want to dive deeper? Heather continues the discussion on creating a positive candidate experience here.


To learn how to improve your candidate experience, connect with Traitify.


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