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Traitify march product updates 2020

March Product Updates 2020

In the last several weeks, our world has rapidly changed, challenging us to adapt to new circumstances. We’re talking to customers about how to meet the challenges of today while also preparing for what comes next. As we think about our product, we strive to be a solution that ushers Candidates, Employees, and Managers through their journey with an organization, from the first visit to a career page all the way through their time as an employee. … read more

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February Product Updates 2020

If you’ve been keeping up with our posts over the last year, you’re aware that we’re an organization obsessed with providing an engaging assessment experience along with actionable insights to Candidates. What you might not know is that we’re as dedicated to replicating that experience and insights for the people on the other side of the process: the Hiring Managers! … read more

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January Product Updates 2020

Welcome to 2020! Happy New Year! I hope each of you had a wonderful holiday season surrounded by friends and family. By the time you’re reading this, we’ll be quickly approaching the end of January and it’s sure to be another fast moving year. … read more

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December Product Updates

We did it! Another year in the books and with it an opportunity for reflection on accomplishments and planning for the year ahead. As I look back on the year, it’s clear that there has been a tremendous shift in thinking regarding the candidate experience. … read more

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November Product Updates

Next Thursday, we’ll be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday here in the U.S. and it’s become a tradition to spend part of that day reflecting on the things that we’re thankful for. At Traitify, we’re thankful for our customers who have put their trust in us to provide a great assessment experience for both their Candidates and Hiring Managers and have partnered with us to face the challenges of finding great talent in new and innovative ways. … read more

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