Traitify Blog

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October Product Updates

Finding great talent is hard, keeping great talent is harder, and keeping great talent while simultaneously developing them into an even greater talent can seem downright impossible. No business is immune to these challenges, and as the war for talent carries on it’s imperative that everyone take a serious look at how we treat our candidates. Candidate Experience is often anything but an “experience”, taking on the feel of visiting the DMV or filing taxes. The process of finding and applying for a job has become a source of anxiety and fear, during what could be a time of excitement and opportunity. … read more

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September Product Updates

As we enter into the final few months of the year we’re presented with both the fulfillment of work that’s been done over the last nine months and the opportunity to start dreaming of what will be accomplished in the year ahead. In this month’s post, I’m excited to focus on the release of a new assessment! Resulting from many months of planning and work, this allows the Traitify team to bring our unmatched solutions to a new audience. … read more

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August Product Updates

The (hopefully) cooling temperatures remind us that the end of 2019 is rapidly approaching and with it the promise of a new year ahead with ample opportunity to challenge the status quo. For far too long, the candidate experience has been broken and, as a result, candidates are left confused, frustrated and bitter about the process. While candidates continue to possess tremendous power in this job market, it’s important that we continue to press forward when it comes to crafting a frictionless experience for all candidates regardless of external factors. … read more

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July Product Updates

As many embark on summer trips this month, it can often be hard to disconnect, thinking about the challenges many of us face within our organizations, “How am I going to find the best candidate for this position?”, “How do I continue to grow and improve my team?”, “How can I possibly get through my never ending ‘to-do list?”. These are questions that plague us all, and at Traitify we obsess over how we can help organizations find the best answers faster, allowing everyone to get some much deserved R&R. … read more

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June Product Updates

At Traitify, we’re focused on creating great experiences for both candidates and hiring managers. While this starts with our assessment and output, it has evolved to include how we invite candidates to take an assessment and also how we showcase our Client’s brand in that experience. In our first official Summer 2019 update, I want to focus on some exciting additions we made in June and what’s on the road ahead. … read more

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