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What We Are Thankful For: Happy Thanksgiving From Traitify

As the holidays get closer, we are overwhelmed with thanks from all of the great events that occurred over this last year. Traitify is becoming a "household" name for many companies around the world and we have the honor of working with some very innovative people. Whether our personality assessments are helping a college student find their perfect career major or a Veteran find a great job before retirement, we love what we do. Thank you to all of our friends, family and clients as we celebrate another year! … read more

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Flexible Working Built For Personality

We have talked about determining if someone's personality is suited for telecommuting, and how individuals can adapt to achieve work-life balance, but what about those who are unable to telecommute? Flexible working hours is a way to ensure that every employee has the freedom to be creative and brainstorm when his/her mind is working best. By altering work hours based on personality instead of an office-wide standard, employees will have increased productivity, and tasks will be prioritized more efficiently. … read more

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Balancing Personality and Working From Home

The age of remote working is upon us. In the United States alone, 50% of the working population has the option to work remotely for a portion, or all of, the work week, and 80-90% of the US workforce will likely see the option in the near future. While it is not possible for all employers to allow work from home options (nurses and doctors, I am looking at you), the number of jobs managed on computers is greatly increasing, as is the need for hiring employees in locations where no corporate location is present. … read more

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5 Ways To Define Work-Life Balance For Yourself

Work-life balance can have a different meaning depending on your personality, but what exactly is work life balance and how can you achieve it? Let's first look at the definition: "Work life balance describes the relationship between your work and the commitments in the rest of your life and how they impact one another." It can also be described as finding a 'happy medium' between your work, your play and your needs. Finding that balance is not a case of equal parts among your life and duties, but a cohesive amount of dedication and time for each aspect of your daily life. … read more

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