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Be More Productive at Work - Four Ways to Increase Productivity

How often are you drained by 2pm and need another coffee or three? Figuring out the ideal circumstances for being productive and focused starts with changing your habits. Charles Duhigg, a New York Times best-selling author, explains that true productivity gives you a feeling that the work you're doing at a given moment is what matters most to you at that time. … read more

by on in Work


4 Ways to Attract and Hire Millennials

If you are a member of Generation X and looking to hire new talent, don't let the term "millennial" scare you. I'm not just saying that because I am a member of this generation myself, but because we can benefit your company in ways that others cannot. We thrive on being creative, talking with others, and working towards something. It's been noted that we all want recognition in return for our work (whether or not we deserve it) but that's largely due to the fact that we like to find a cause and see a change. … read more

by on in Work


Four Ways To Encourage Creativity In The Workplace

A creative environment is no longer essential only for writers, musicians, and other artistic professionals, but also in every workplace where innovation plays a key role. Gaining momentum to meet and surpass your competition in any market happens only when employees are motivated to come up with new ideas. Managers may be wary of permitting too much range when it comes to creativity in the workplace, but finding balance is necessary. … read more

by on in Work


Four Ways to Reduce Mismatched Hires in Your Organization

Do you have a team that looks like they're working hard, but is known for missing deadlines or misunderstanding their duties? The problem may lie in the hiring of employees who look to be a great match but lack the necessary skills and personality for the job description. With turnover at an all-time high, now is the chance to realize that the revolving door of new hires does not need to continue. With mismatched skill totaling over 38% of bad hiring circumstances, there is room for improvement to benefit both the employer and company as a whole. … read more

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