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Pirate ship at dawn

Is It Time to Hire “Rebel Talent”?

The world of work is changing at lightning speed. The torrent of data that narrates our daily activities is becoming too vast to comprehend, and being able to understand and apply the digital intelligence it represents is now more valuable than the data itself; likewise many work tasks requiring linear -- step-by-step -- thinking are being progressively automated. Of course change isn’t new, but this all adds up to a big shift in the work paradigm. … read more

by on in Work

Leveraging personality data across employee experience

Assessment 101: Leveraging the Power of Personality Data

Let’s start by thinking about what we mean by personality. The simplest definition is that it’s the underlying pattern of thoughts and feelings that influence what we’re likely to do. In practice, it frames our view of the world and shapes the way we’ll probably behave across many different situations. Hundreds of studies over the last 50 years demonstrate that personality predicts job performance and work satisfaction; let alone many other life outcomes such as health, happiness, and even mortality! … read more

by on in Work

measuring with assessments like a ruler

Assessment 101: Why Use Hiring Tests?

Psychometric tests and questionnaires are a useful way of finding out what people are like. They are obviously not the only way of doing this as everyday we make “assessments” about those we meet. However, human judgement is not always accurate and so psychometrics provide an objective way of adding to what we know. This is particularly important in high stakes situations like hiring new employees. … read more

by on in Work

Winding road of personality and abilities

How Personality Shapes Our Abilities

Let’s start with a gross simplification! Generally, when employers use tests as part of the hiring process they are assessing two broad categories of attributes. These attributes are related to what’s called “maximum” and “typical” work performance. … read more

by on in Work

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