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Life preserver hanging on a wall

Team Psychology: Why Managers Should Encourage Silly Questions

In some way or other we’re all part of a team. However, in a work context teams often just happen. They also evolve over time: people join, people leave, and occasionally someone will get the team together and try to “build” it into something better. … read more

by on in Work

Manager returns to office with team

Personality Unleashed: The Manager’s Return to Work

Over the last few months many have been continuing to do their jobs, but doing them from home. This has been a nightmare for some but a revelation for others. Now of course we’re entering a time when the workplace is coming back: a welcome return to “normality” for all those who’ve been having sleepless nights. … read more

by on in Work

Person with a briefcase and a surgical mask returning to the office

Back-to-work: Who’s in control?

We humans like to feel we’re in the driving seat. It’s a basic psychological need, and when we don’t believe we have Autonomy, we end up stressed. We also suffer if we don’t have a strong sense of Belonging: the sensation of being connected, and of feeling valued and supported. Finally, we feel uneasy if we can’t demonstrate our Competence. We enjoy the warm glow that comes from using our particular talents to get stuff done. … read more

by on in Work

Professionals Greeting Through Conference Call for One-to-one

Remember the One-to-ones: Remote Workers Need Support Too!

Exceptional managers guide and support their team wherever they are. They have a ‘coaching mindset’ aimed, laser-like, at helping people to feel included. This means helping people to feel heard and valued. However, this depends on building deep and genuine connections. … read more

by on in Work

Coworker at office water cooler rapping

Personality and Water Cooler Rap

Time was we would gather ‘round the water cooler and complain about work, put the world to rights, and catch up on Netflix. It was a way of feeling part of the crew, a fellow traveller, and a human being in the vastness of the digital universe. That water cooler moment was what kept folk sane. … read more

by on in Work

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