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To create a diverse workplace, look beyond demographics

Does diversity = demographics? When leaders first turn their attention to the topic of diversity in the workplace, they begin these conversations by taking stock of numbers. And when we think of what groups may be relevant in this “numbers” story, we likely land upon just a few factors: gender, race, and age. … read more

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Assessing the Assessments: Expert Advice on Avoiding Missteps

When first discussed, the word “assessments” is not likely to inspire enthusiasm among many audiences. In everyday conversation, the word might make you recall exams taken during your student days. Or perhaps it makes you envision a medical diagnostic that delivers a cold dose of reality. Whatever we might think of “assessments” at first pass, the concept is one that’s prone to misconceptions. … read more

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Personality Data Capture is a Process, Not a Transaction

Integrating technology into Human Resources operations is fast becoming an essential step. But technology for technology’s sake isn’t the answer. Lasting digital transformation is not merely the introduction of tech tools, but seamlessly incorporating capabilities throughout a business. Digital transformation should be considered a wholesale change. As McKinsey and Company analysts explain, “We believe that digital should be seen less as a thing and more a way of doing things.” … read more

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Who is cheating to get ahead? Employers can land valuable candidates by assessing who they really are, not who they claim to be

With news breaking this week of fraud in applications to selective universities, applicants of a different sort -- for positions at sought-after companies -- might wonder how level the playing field is for them. Are applicants padding their resumes? Are back-room deals and “side doors” the norm? How does an authentic, hard-working job seeker distinguish oneself in this climate? Since companies tend to rely on referrals and resumes that report specific pedigrees, candidate pools can be limited. Talented individuals who lack connections in the industry or who do not hold degrees from well-resourced universities may repeatedly fail to get a seat at the table. … read more

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Keep The Employees You Already Have—Create A Great Experience For Candidates

Imagine this scenario: you’re a regional hiring manager for a luxury hotel chain. You employ “Meredith” as a valet parking attendant. Meredith arrives on time and does her job well. One month, you let your support staff know that you’re hiring for several positions. Meredith refers her high school classmate, Sydney, who submits an application for a reservation clerk position. … read more

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