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Think pre-hire assessments for hourly workers are out of the question? There’s a cost-effective solution that candidates will enjoy.

The commitment and stress of a job search has not changed much for a generation. But here’s what is different: the mechanics of how candidates search and apply for open positions. In an era of easy access to information and unprecedented personal computing power, word travels fast. While consistent reviews with praise like “Best company I have worked for in my 10-year career” can boost the company brand among the talent pool, claims of “Management gangs up on you” are a liability. Organizations today have to be mindful of buzz good and bad -- not only among their customer base, but throughout the talent pool. … read more

by on in Work


Sweating out the job search? Here’s why digital wellness is important for job seekers, and what you can do about it.

The importance of “digital wellness” has gained increasing attention in the tech sector in recent months. Industry leaders have introduced tools to help users gain insight into their screen time and catch a break from the addictive scroll, scroll, scroll. Although using technology to limit our use of technology may seem like fighting fire with fire, the trend is undeniable: digital wellness is a growing priority. … read more

by on in Psychology


Ghosted By Candidates? Maybe They're Just Not That Into You…

Today’s talent acquisition landscape demands that organizations no longer rely on decades-old assumptions. As the 2020s approach, job candidates used to customized media, rapid information gathering and economic uncertainty are behaving in ways not before seen among the job seeking corps. Leading organizations will apply strategy beyond the scope of the traditional resume-to-offer progression. … read more

by on in Work

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