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Product Insights: Understanding Validity

Product Insights: Understanding Validity

At Traitify, we believe in the importance of providing our customers with science-based, validated assessments. While that sounds great, what do we really mean when we use that term “validated?” … read more

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measuring with assessments like a ruler

Assessment 101: Why Use Hiring Tests?

Psychometric tests and questionnaires are a useful way of finding out what people are like. They are obviously not the only way of doing this as everyday we make “assessments” about those we meet. However, human judgement is not always accurate and so psychometrics provide an objective way of adding to what we know. This is particularly important in high stakes situations like hiring new employees. … read more

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Working with contingent hires on video conference

5 Best Practices for Working with Contingent Talent

Career got a new look? Recent years have brought a rise of the term “gig economy.” Along with that discussion, we’ve seen increasing numbers of workers reimagining the career arc. Recent estimates indicate that 43% of American workers partake in freelance work arrangements to provide some or all of their income. Moreover, the concept is evaluated with interest even among those who don’t practice it, with 9 out of 10 US workers reporting that they would consider taking on freelance work. … read more

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August Product Updates 2020

In the midst of developing new products and larger product enhancements, the Traitify Team is constantly releasing smaller product enhancements designed to provide huge impact for our clients and partners. … read more

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