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July Product Updates 2020 - Product Preview Traitify Engage Manager Toolkit

July Product Updates 2020

When trying to solve the problem of turnover, making the right decision at the point of hire is critical. But what can an organization -- and more importantly a manager -- do to ensure employee retention? This was the question we sought to answer when developing our new product: Traitify Engage. … read more

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Two gears fit together with a dawn background, representing building a team with the best fit from the start

How to Build Your Best Fit Team from the Start

When your needs change as an employer, your focus shouldn’t become simply filling roles as quickly as possible. Instead, you want to minimize time-to-hire while still bringing in team members who are ready to make a meaningful commitment to your organization. With budgets tightening amid the challenges of 2020 and beyond, the “revolving door” of personnel is more of a liability than ever. There’s not as much room for error as there was even a year ago. … read more

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Advancing gig workers concept through using assessments

Changing How We View Contingent Hiring and Embracing the Idea of the Talentsumer

If you’re like many professionals in the hiring world, you’re coming off a quarter of disruption. With historically high unemployment numbers week in and week out, a growing list of bankruptcies across industries, and continuing disruptions to workplaces as the pandemic continues, it’s been a time of near-universal challenge. But upheaval is the time for innovation. … read more

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Life preserver hanging on a wall

Team Psychology: Why Managers Should Encourage Silly Questions

In some way or other we’re all part of a team. However, in a work context teams often just happen. They also evolve over time: people join, people leave, and occasionally someone will get the team together and try to “build” it into something better. … read more

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