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Professionals Greeting Through Conference Call for One-to-one

Remember the One-to-ones: Remote Workers Need Support Too!

Exceptional managers guide and support their team wherever they are. They have a ‘coaching mindset’ aimed, laser-like, at helping people to feel included. This means helping people to feel heard and valued. However, this depends on building deep and genuine connections. … read more

by on in Work

Business team in video conference

Using Personality Insights at Work: Best Practices for Remote Communication

You’ve likely now read your share of advice about how to navigate life amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As our lives become saturated with virtual experiences, from our entertainment to our children’s education to our careers, it’s important to consider how our “life by screen” lifestyles have and will continue to change the ways we interact with each other. … read more

by on in Work

Father Works On Laptop As Mother Helps Son With Homework On Kitchen Table

How to Succeed on the Job When Family, Work, and Home Blend Together

Before working from home became a public health mandate in the late winter of 2020, remote work was on the upswing. A 2019 survey of 2,500 remote workers found high satisfaction, with 99% of respondents preferring to have the option of remote work throughout their careers and 95% of respondents saying they recommend remote work to others. Companies are increasingly taking notice of the potential for mutual benefit, with evidence emerging that allowing flexibility in workplace arrangements reduces turnover and improves productivity. … read more

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Businesswoman holding binoculars looking ahead

Personality and Forward-Thinking: Beyond Now

The events of the last few months have created a world filled with uncertainty for all of us. Many are working from home. For some, this now means trying to focus in a crowded house while caring for children. Others are working more hours, performing essential functions, adopting new daily routines, and trying to stay safe. … read more

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Traitify march product updates 2020

March Product Updates 2020

In the last several weeks, our world has rapidly changed, challenging us to adapt to new circumstances. We’re talking to customers about how to meet the challenges of today while also preparing for what comes next. As we think about our product, we strive to be a solution that ushers Candidates, Employees, and Managers through their journey with an organization, from the first visit to a career page all the way through their time as an employee. … read more

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