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Keeping up with Changing Times: Be Ready for a Career Switch

Now more than ever before, workers are changing employers and careers more frequently. Our grandparents may have stayed with the same company their entire careers, but this is no longer the case. Expectations have shifted with the emergence of new technology and with new generations entering the workforce. … read more

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Mobile phone with Hourly by Alexander Mann Solutions

Meet Hourly -- Purpose-Built Conversational Hiring

If knowledge is power, then knowledge of one’s personality has the potential to empower an individual to accomplish remarkable feats. All too often, this knowledge has been locked away behind tedious, confusing assessment experiences - offered only to those we label “knowledge” workers. Much like the traditional assessment experience, the process of finding, applying for, and gaining a job has become cumbersome and in many cases prohibitive to those who form the backbone of our society: hourly workers. … read more

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