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The Science Behind Traitify's Personality Assessments

We know personality has an impact in the workplace, especially in the areas of team building, communication and cultural fit. In simple terms, we define personality as the unique combination of various aspects of an individual's temperament and traits. Taking it a step further, these singular attributes can give insight into patterns of behavior, preferences and choices as it relates to a person's profession and the workplace. … read more

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5 Ways To Define Work-Life Balance For Yourself

Work-life balance can have a different meaning depending on your personality, but what exactly is work life balance and how can you achieve it? Let's first look at the definition: "Work life balance describes the relationship between your work and the commitments in the rest of your life and how they impact one another." It can also be described as finding a 'happy medium' between your work, your play and your needs. Finding that balance is not a case of equal parts among your life and duties, but a cohesive amount of dedication and time for each aspect of your daily life. … read more

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Rewarding Work In The Right Way

Employee retention is a complicated matter. There are many factors that contribute to the departure of a fantastic employee; we've discussed quite a few of them, such as conflict and company culture. The latter focused on hiring for fit to begin with while the former regarded keeping employees happy by preventing internal combustion. … read more

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Identifying Potential Challenges with Your Team and How to Address Them

If you manage a team, you're going to run into challenges. That's just a fact. Problems can have external causes (a project has an unrealistic deadline, the team is strapped for resources, etc.), or internal causes (personality conflicts). Every team will have at least some of these problems at some point. … read more

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