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Encouraging Collaboration Between Different Personality Types

In a recent blog post, I shared the reasons it's important to understand how different personality types might collide in the workplace and ways to mitigate this from happening. Using that idea as a stepping stone, I wanted to dive into how you can supplement those techniques and actually begin encouraging different personality types to successfully collaborate. … read more

by on in Work


How Personality Drives Team Compatibility

It starts with knowledge. The old saying "knowledge is power" sounds trite - but it's really true. Knowledge - of people and their different personality styles - is the first step toward driving team compatibility and avoiding conflict. … read more

by on in Work


5 Ways To Promote Collaborative Teams

There is a big project coming up and the perfect team needs to be assembled in order to meet the quick deadline. But how is it possible to build a team out of current employees while making sure you are setting them up for success? Locating individuals with specific strengths, targeted focus, and creative variety is where employers need to begin. … read more

by on in Work


Blending Key Personality Types To Make Better Teams

Teams at work are made up of people. That sounds obvious, but think about it: it means that when building a team, you can't just pick people for their technical skills, as if you're choosing otherwise interchangeable Legos from a bin. People have personalities and varying "soft skills" that affect the way they work and the way they work with each other, and keeping these personalities balanced on a team is a good way to ensure harmony. … read more

by on in Work


Understanding and Avoiding Conflict using Personality Data

Not everyone gets along. It's something we all quickly learn in life, that even the friendliest people will eventually find someone with whom they butt heads. Thankfully, for the most part, we can identify these issues (or people) and steer clear from them in our own lives. … read more

by on in Work

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