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October Product Updates 2020

October Product Updates 2020

As we near the end of 2020, the Traitify Team has been hard at work developing our product priorities for the year ahead, while still releasing consistent and impactful product enhancements for our customers. … read more

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Product Insights: Understanding Validity

Product Insights: Understanding Validity

At Traitify, we believe in the importance of providing our customers with science-based, validated assessments. While that sounds great, what do we really mean when we use that term “validated?” … read more

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August Product Updates 2020

In the midst of developing new products and larger product enhancements, the Traitify Team is constantly releasing smaller product enhancements designed to provide huge impact for our clients and partners. … read more

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July Product Updates 2020 - Product Preview Traitify Engage Manager Toolkit

July Product Updates 2020

When trying to solve the problem of turnover, making the right decision at the point of hire is critical. But what can an organization -- and more importantly a manager -- do to ensure employee retention? This was the question we sought to answer when developing our new product: Traitify Engage. … read more

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Product Preview: Traitify Cognitive Assessment

It’s a safe bet that anyone in “HR” has been inundated with content over the last year, with more and more pieces prophesying on the “future of work”. Typically, this “future” would reside far over the horizon, affording us the luxury of speculating over these shifts while having more than enough time to prepare for their inevitably. As with all major moments in human history, the rise of COVID-19 has precipitated changes in the world of work. Changes we knew were coming, but not quite this fast. … read more

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