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Mobile phone with Hourly by Alexander Mann Solutions

Meet Hourly -- Purpose-Built Conversational Hiring

If knowledge is power, then knowledge of one’s personality has the potential to empower an individual to accomplish remarkable feats. All too often, this knowledge has been locked away behind tedious, confusing assessment experiences - offered only to those we label “knowledge” workers. Much like the traditional assessment experience, the process of finding, applying for, and gaining a job has become cumbersome and in many cases prohibitive to those who form the backbone of our society: hourly workers. … read more

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Traitify march product updates 2020

March Product Updates 2020

In the last several weeks, our world has rapidly changed, challenging us to adapt to new circumstances. We’re talking to customers about how to meet the challenges of today while also preparing for what comes next. As we think about our product, we strive to be a solution that ushers Candidates, Employees, and Managers through their journey with an organization, from the first visit to a career page all the way through their time as an employee. … read more

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February Product Updates 2020

If you’ve been keeping up with our posts over the last year, you’re aware that we’re an organization obsessed with providing an engaging assessment experience along with actionable insights to Candidates. What you might not know is that we’re as dedicated to replicating that experience and insights for the people on the other side of the process: the Hiring Managers! … read more

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Can We “Do Good” with Our Approach to Hiring? Open Hiring Policies Highlight a Changing Landscape

With chronically dire turnover statistics pointing to a need for disruption in hiring practices, New York’s Greyston Bakery has for years advocated for an approach it calls “open hiring.” The practice is based on a simple principle: take all applicants capable of the job, selected via a first-come, first-served pipeline. No attention is paid to work history or, notably, life circumstances, which may include lengthy stretches outside the paid workforce, a criminal record, or mental health challenges like substance abuse. Through this radical inclusivity, the belief is that companies will cultivate a loyal, highly motivated workforce. … read more

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