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The End of HR? Stay Relevant With Data

People hate HR. Try doing a search to see what employees think of Human Resources and you’ll find some eyebrow-raising headlines: “Ten Reasons Everybody Hates HR,” “5 Surprising Reasons Employees Hate HR,” and “Why We Still Hate HR, 12 Years Later.” Why such negative reviews for such a core business function? The “H” in HR is “Human,” after all, and what is a company without its people? Why does HR get such a bad rap? … read more

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Who is cheating to get ahead? Employers can land valuable candidates by assessing who they really are, not who they claim to be

With news breaking this week of fraud in applications to selective universities, applicants of a different sort -- for positions at sought-after companies -- might wonder how level the playing field is for them. Are applicants padding their resumes? Are back-room deals and “side doors” the norm? How does an authentic, hard-working job seeker distinguish oneself in this climate? Since companies tend to rely on referrals and resumes that report specific pedigrees, candidate pools can be limited. Talented individuals who lack connections in the industry or who do not hold degrees from well-resourced universities may repeatedly fail to get a seat at the table. … read more

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Happy Holidays From Team Traitify

2017 was an incredible year for Traitify! We surpassed 5 million assessments, marked 6 years of business, welcomed amazing clients … read more

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What We Are Thankful For: Happy Thanksgiving From Traitify

As the holidays get closer, we are overwhelmed with thanks from all of the great events that occurred over this last year. Traitify is becoming a "household" name for many companies around the world and we have the honor of working with some very innovative people. Whether our personality assessments are helping a college student find their perfect career major or a Veteran find a great job before retirement, we love what we do. Thank you to all of our friends, family and clients as we celebrate another year! … read more

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Come Find Us This Fall

Conference season is quickly approaching, and we are excited to see some familiar faces, as well as meet some new folks at our upcoming conferences. It seems like we always have someone from our company somewhere, and at times it gets hard to keep track of where everyone is, but we love hearing the tales of their trips when they return! After attending conferences for the last two years, we have narrowed the list for this fall down to some great ones. From quality speakers, wonderful staff, and awesome exhibitors, we are looking forward to the next few months as we travel around the country talking all things Traitify. … read more

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