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Mugs for tea or coffee, wool things near cozy fireplace

Ten Tips for Less Stressful, More Successful 2020 Holidays

The holiday season can be filled with ups and downs in any given year. An overabundance of festivities meant to lift spirits and spread joy can actually leave us tired and cranky as the season continues. This year in particular, I have been asking myself: what can we do right now to decrease our stress levels and make this holiday season easier and more enjoyable? … read more

by on in Psychology

Homemade Pumpkin Spice Punch in Autumn

Personality May Predict Your Pumpkin Spice Season Verdict

The autumn season is well underway, and with it come the usual suspects: pumpkin-spice-everything, images of fallen leaves, and Halloween decor. For some, those seasonal icons are a source of comfort and excitement. For others, it’s time for a collective groan. A large indicator of your “Pumpkin Spice Verdict” is your personality. … read more

by on in Psychology


Sweating out the job search? Here’s why digital wellness is important for job seekers, and what you can do about it.

The importance of “digital wellness” has gained increasing attention in the tech sector in recent months. Industry leaders have introduced tools to help users gain insight into their screen time and catch a break from the addictive scroll, scroll, scroll. Although using technology to limit our use of technology may seem like fighting fire with fire, the trend is undeniable: digital wellness is a growing priority. … read more

by on in Psychology

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