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Common Dream Themes and Nightmares

How often have you said, "I had that nightmare where I couldn't find the classroom and didn't study for the exam?" Or how about the one where you are convinced you didn't actually finish High School? And, people know exactly what you are talking about? While dreams are unique and complex, there are some classic themes that universally appear. In working with dreams, it is both the manifest (actual) content of the dream as well as what is going on in someone's day and life that helps one analyze its meaning. Also, there is always a wish in each dream, either obvious or hidden, just waiting to be realized. … read more

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The Value of Imagery: Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words?

Having lived in the design and media realm for as long as I can remember, that old adage has always rung true for me. But, as the technology revolution continues to reign, it's becoming apparent that the use of images can have an incredible impact on not only how well your content is received, but on those digesting what you've shown. … read more

by on in Psychology


My Greatest Weaknesses: How Knowing Your Obstacles Can Work for You

Some time ago we held a webinar —The Role Personality in Relationships and Careers — and the psychology team at Traitify explored how understanding one's personality can lead to more satisfying decisions in work and love, and an overall more meaningful life. … read more

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Traitify Psychology: How We Do It

It happens every time. After getting perceptive and accurate results from a Traitify assessment, people turn to us and ask, "How did you do that?" Followed by, "What are the results based on?"As we hear the curiosity about our personalization technology, we are led to nostalgically think back to our roots. So how did we get here? … read more

by on in Psychology

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