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Advancing gig workers concept through using assessments

Changing How We View Contingent Hiring and Embracing the Idea of the Talentsumer

If you’re like many professionals in the hiring world, you’re coming off a quarter of disruption. With historically high unemployment numbers week in and week out, a growing list of bankruptcies across industries, and continuing disruptions to workplaces as the pandemic continues, it’s been a time of near-universal challenge. But upheaval is the time for innovation. … read more

by on in Work

Life preserver hanging on a wall

Team Psychology: Why Managers Should Encourage Silly Questions

In some way or other we’re all part of a team. However, in a work context teams often just happen. They also evolve over time: people join, people leave, and occasionally someone will get the team together and try to “build” it into something better. … read more

by on in Work

Stressed woman working by medical mask and hand disinfectant

Why You Need to Prioritize Vacation Time This Summer

Taken together, current circumstances can be a toxic brew: worldwide disruption, loss of revenue, job losses, displacement of youth from school, social media-fueled communication, and then high-impact social movements cresting amidst all this. Of course, the potential for a psychological toll is high. It’s been a lot to contend with, regardless of one’s personality. … read more

by on in Work

Blocks spelling change becoming chance - opportunity for growth in pandemic changes

The Importance of Candidate Experience and Culture for Hourly Workers

This pandemic has not been easy on anyone. The U.S. Census Bureau recently found that more than one third of U.S. adults report symptoms of anxiety, depression, or both. The American Psychology Association found more than 80% of Americans find the future of the U.S. a significant source of stress. I have no doubt these feelings are shared around the globe. Hourly workers are no exception. What are employers doing about it? … read more

by on in Work

Manager returns to office with team

Personality Unleashed: The Manager’s Return to Work

Over the last few months many have been continuing to do their jobs, but doing them from home. This has been a nightmare for some but a revelation for others. Now of course we’re entering a time when the workplace is coming back: a welcome return to “normality” for all those who’ve been having sleepless nights. … read more

by on in Work

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