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The Power of Personality: Key Benefits in the 2020 Workplace

When we think about the value of personality insights, we can point to several different aspects of workplace life and culture where this information will be helpful. This is true for both ourselves and others, including coworkers and customers, and can be applied to specific targeted parts of personal growth on the job. … read more

by on in Work

people fitting into perfect team puzzle

Need Better Contingent Hires? Personality Science Can Help!

Last week I had a great conversation with Brian Hoffmeyer, SVP Market Strategies at Beeline, around why candidate fit will be critical for the contingent workforce in 2020. With so many organizations anticipating greater needs for contingent workers as shelter in place orders are lifted, finding best fit candidates as quickly as possible becomes paramount to success. … read more

by on in Work

Person with a briefcase and a surgical mask returning to the office

Back-to-work: Who’s in control?

We humans like to feel we’re in the driving seat. It’s a basic psychological need, and when we don’t believe we have Autonomy, we end up stressed. We also suffer if we don’t have a strong sense of Belonging: the sensation of being connected, and of feeling valued and supported. Finally, we feel uneasy if we can’t demonstrate our Competence. We enjoy the warm glow that comes from using our particular talents to get stuff done. … read more

by on in Work

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