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Can a Star Wars Story Teach Us about Developing Talent? Learn from the Jedi’s “Employee Turnover” Mistakes

Anakin Skywalker’s career moves: a lesson learned for employers? As a lifelong Star Wars fan, I invite you to consider the story of young Anakin as a helpful step when building strategies for candidate experience and its carryover into employee engagement. I introduced this concept at the Leap HR Retail conference this month in Austin, TX. … read more

by on in Work

Want to Get More out of Your Diversity Strategy? Bring Personality Data into the Discussion

We hear a lot these days about diversity and inclusion. Employers across industries have long since begun to address this important topic as part of their talent acquisition efforts. It’s now commonplace to find language embracing diversity on company websites. You’ll also see plenty of references to focused initiatives that companies have implemented in an effort to become more diverse. … read more

by on in Work


Think bad hires are inevitable? Back the hiring process with data and change your mindset

The decision to make an offer of employment could be described as a leap of faith. Regardless of the position and the particulars of the workplace, the choice to hand over the keys is consequential. While a hard-working and talented employee is a considerable asset, a major concern for hiring managers isn’t solely focused on those plusses. It’s avoiding the proverbial bad apple who spoils the whole barrel. … read more

by on in Work

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