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To create a diverse workplace, look beyond demographics

Does diversity = demographics? When leaders first turn their attention to the topic of diversity in the workplace, they begin these conversations by taking stock of numbers. And when we think of what groups may be relevant in this “numbers” story, we likely land upon just a few factors: gender, race, and age. … read more

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Assessing the Assessments: Expert Advice on Avoiding Missteps

When first discussed, the word “assessments” is not likely to inspire enthusiasm among many audiences. In everyday conversation, the word might make you recall exams taken during your student days. Or perhaps it makes you envision a medical diagnostic that delivers a cold dose of reality. Whatever we might think of “assessments” at first pass, the concept is one that’s prone to misconceptions. … read more

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Get smart: As millions of workers quit jobs, employers must lead with innovative hiring solutions

The picture has become a familiar one for US employers: there are more jobs to fill than there are quality workers to fill them. And it’s not just a hunch circulating among hiring managers: the chronic headache is proven by data from the US Department of Labor. We’ve now seen sixteen straight months in which the statistic is flipped compared to the preceding several years. The number of jobs available exceeds the sum of those looking for work. As the second quarter ended, that differential was 1.4 million more in the “help wanted” column than in the job-seeker one. … read more

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Personality Data Capture is a Process, Not a Transaction

Integrating technology into Human Resources operations is fast becoming an essential step. But technology for technology’s sake isn’t the answer. Lasting digital transformation is not merely the introduction of tech tools, but seamlessly incorporating capabilities throughout a business. Digital transformation should be considered a wholesale change. As McKinsey and Company analysts explain, “We believe that digital should be seen less as a thing and more a way of doing things.” … read more

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