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Building A Best Fit Team From The Start

When it comes to hiring for a startup, it isn’t about simply filling the empty chairs, but about creating the company. A common misunderstanding is that you need to hire employees right awayand then figure out the details, when in fact you should take time prior to hiring and during the process to bring the best employees onto the team. Short-term goals are important, but with hiring, you should focus on the long term. You want people who will stick around and do their jobs well. … read more

by on in Work


Why Hiring ‘Warm Bodies’ Increases Employee Turnover

I hear it all the time from companies that require a large number of hourly workers to do business. Their turnover is so high, they tell me, that they’re happy – well, not happy, really, but willing – to hire any “warm body.” But that’s a big mistake. … read more

by on in Work


Assessing for Culture Fit During the Interview

Interviews are often small glimpses of the interviewees’ personalities. Emotions are high, anxiety may be creeping in, or they could be playing it too cool to seem as though they have it all together. Knowing all of that, how can you crack the code and make sure you are hiring the very best candidate from the start? … read more

by on in Work

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