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Should A.I. Be Used to Determine Personality Fit?

Artificial intelligence has long appeared to be something ripped straight out of science fiction. Growing up watching movies like Blade Runner or The Terminator series, I believed that A.I. would eventually be our downfall unless Arnold Schwarzenegger was available to save humanity. … read more

by on in Work


A Job Recommendation Engine for Veterans

Today we are proud to announce the launch of a new product with our partners at The Military Skills Translator + Personality Assessment is the first of its kind in the market creating an innovative approach to help veterans find their passion and truly match to job opportunities that fit not only their skills, but their personality as well. By helping veterans discover jobs based on both skills and personality, we’ve created an intelligent job recommendation engine. … read more

by on in Work


How Personality Assessments Decrease Bias in Hiring

The US economy has grown over the last 8 years with unemployment rates dropping from a high of 9.9% in March of 2010 to 4.3% in July of 2017. Although this recent figure probably somewhat underestimates the true state of the current job market, because it doesn’t account for the underemployed or the discouraged who have stopped looking for work, it does suggest that the job market is growing healthier. … read more

by on in Work


How to Achieve Your Ideal Work Environment

70% of workers in America are disengaged in the office - are you one of them? It’s hard to feel productive, involved in the company, and motivated when you aren’t regularly engaging with the culture of your office. Identifying your ideal work environment is a great start to changing that feeling. … read more

by on in Work


The Importance of Taking Time Off

With summer in full swing, it’s almost impossible to find a day on our work calendar that doesn’t have someone out of office—from taking a long weekend to clearing out for a full two weeks, we’re at that time of year when you receive more “out-of-office” replies than typical. The sun’s out, school’s out, and many people are spending time away from their office. … read more

by on in Work

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