Traitify Blog

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May Product Updates

Even as summer rapidly approaches, the Traitify team continues to work on new and exciting features and improvements to better assist our clients and partners. Here are some of the major releases for May as well as a preview of things on the horizon. … read more

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April Product Updates

What's new for Traitify in the month of April? Click here to read about all the exciting additions to our product via our Chief Product Officer, Josh Spears. … read more

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The End of HR? Stay Relevant With Data

People hate HR. Try doing a search to see what employees think of Human Resources and you’ll find some eyebrow-raising headlines: “Ten Reasons Everybody Hates HR,” “5 Surprising Reasons Employees Hate HR,” and “Why We Still Hate HR, 12 Years Later.” Why such negative reviews for such a core business function? The “H” in HR is “Human,” after all, and what is a company without its people? Why does HR get such a bad rap? … read more

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